Democratic Commissioner Candidates Hit Republican Opponents for NAACP, Debate Absences
ABSECON -- Kim O’Brien, Joanne Famularo, and Susan Lazarchick, Democratic candidates for Atlantic County Commissioner, condemned their Republican opponents Michael Ruffu, Maureen Kern, and James Bertino for being conspicuously absent from the Atlantic City NAACP Candidates’ Forum on Sept. 17, 2024, and for declining to participate in radio debates on Newstalk 1400 WOND AM.
At-large commissioner candidate Kim O’ Brien said of the absences: “It just really goes to show that the contrast in this election could not be any starker. Our opponents are willing to skip public appearances when it’s convenient for them. That’s no way to lead a county.”
D-2 commissioner candidate Joanne Famularo stated, “Every day, as a Councilwoman for Pleasantville, I go to bat for my community. I am no stranger to taking tough questions -- it’s the job that I signed up for. You can continue to count on me to show up whenever, wherever.”
D-5 commissioner candidate Susan Lazarchick said, “It would be nice to have dialogue between the candidates of both parties, showcasing the competing visions for the future of Atlantic County. Our Republican opponents have deprived the voters of such an opportunity with their absences.”