Suleiman Statement on Craig Callaway Arrest

(ABSECON) Atlantic County Democratic Chairman Michael Suleiman released the following statement about the arrest of Craig Callaway:

"While the wheels of justice move painstakingly slow, I feel vindicated that the work we've done in combating Craig Callaway has paid off. Whether it was getting him barred from serving as an assistor last fall, routinely throwing Callaway hacks off the ballot, or shaming candidates into not hiring him, we have always been at the forefront of fighting for election integrity in Atlantic County.

"Although Callaway has been paid exorbitant amounts in the last three years from Republicans like Jeff Van Drew, Vince Polistina, Don Guardian, and Claire Swift, it's no secret that candidates from both parties have hired Callaway in the past to help them win elections. Those who hired him cannot plead ignorance now. Everyone in Atlantic County knows exactly what Callaway's operation is and the blatant illegality of it all. 

"As someone who believes mail-in voting is still a safe and easy way to increase voter participation, today's news illustrates the need for more election reform. I will be speaking to the Governor's Office and legislative leaders about legislation to ban payments to messengers and bearers, as well as mandate prepaid postage on all mail-in ballots so that voters do not need to engage third parties to safely return their ballots."

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